Category Blog

16 Sep

Bad Breath

bad breath Respiratory tract infections such as flu, bronchitis and sinusitis are the main causes of bad breath. When respiratory tract infections disable or inflame the tissues of the respiratory system, cells and mucus are produced that feed on the bacteria. Allergies and discharge from the back of the throat can also lead to discomfort […]


16 Sep

Occupational sensivity in sweepers

Important points of sweepers Continuous exposure to dust and inhaling the smell of garbage has the potential to increase the risk of asthma, heart attacks and lung diseases in this group of workers. For this reason, it is obligatory for the workers working in this field to use protective mouth covers and keep in mind […]


16 Sep

Asthma and Gardering – Reducing asthma symptoms in gardening

Reducing asthma symptoms in gardening You may be exposed to these substances when you step into the green space or are next to flowers and plants. But you can reduce the possibility of asthma and allergy symptoms with these measures: 1- Allergy test: Most people who are at risk of a fatal asthma attack do […]


9 Sep

What does food allergy go through?

Allergies in children In children, especially cow's milk allergy, which is more common in the first year of life, very good news for families whose children are allergic to cow's milk and dairy products. Even eggs, soybeans, wheat, flour, these major items cause skin problems and most of them are resolved after 3 to 4 […]